Monday 24 April 2017

Ingredients used in Rasmalai
• Blanched almonds, thinly cut into slivers - 5-6 number.
• Green cardamom seed powder or a little rose essence - 1 tea spoon.
• Sugar for rabadi - 4 tablespoons.
• Milk for making rabri - 1000 ml.
• Water - 6 cups.
• Sugar - 1 cup.
• Soft paneer made from milk - 1000 ml.
  • Make paneer as instructed, hang in muslin for 1 hour, but do not press it.
  • Boil water, add 1 cup of sugar and 6 cups of water in a deep vessel until it boils vigorusly. Knead paneer until very smooth with in the cloth . Make into walnut sized balls, flattening them a little, like a peda or a small burger.
  • Adding to boiling water/sugar water and boil at high flame and the rasgullas will be ready in 10 min
  • Remove and let it sit in some of same syrup till it cools down sqeeze out the water and soak in rabadi.serve garnished with flakes of almonds.

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