Sunday 29 January 2017




Bread flour - 102gms
Caster sugar - 159gms
Salt - 1gms
Veg. Oil - 72ml
Eggs - 1½Nos
Ground Cinnamon - 3gms
Baking Soda - 1.2gms
Baking Powder - ½gms
Shredded Carrots - 182
Walnuts chopped - 28gms

1. Whip the eggs at high speed to a light and frothy
consistency. Reduce the mixer speed to medium and
gradually add the oil. Turn the mixer speed to low and mix
in the sugar and salt.
2. Sift together the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking
powder. Add to the egg mixture. Fold in the carrot and
walnut, evenly distributing them in the batter.
3. Divide the batter between the prepared pans.
4. Bake at 190°C for about 50 minutes or until fully cooked.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

GAJAR KA HALWA 😍 Ingredients

1 CARROT 2.5 kg
2 SUGAR 1.4 kg
3 GHEE 500 m
4 KHOYA 200 gm
6 CASHEW NUTS 125 gm
7 RAISINS 100 gm
8 MILK 1.5 Lt

. Wash, peel and grate carrot. Add milk to carrot and cook
. When milk dries up add ghee and fry.
. Then add sugar, cardamom powder and cook further.
. Then garnished with fried fruits and serve hot.

Monday 23 January 2017


Pita bread


Bread Flour - 200gms
Yeast - 8gms
Sugar - 8gms
Warm water - 180ml
Warm water - 180ml
Salt - 10gms
Olive Oil - 40ml
Bread Flour - 285gms

1. Make sponge with all ingredients and allow 30 minutes
2. To make a dough, add the warm water to the sponge
together with salt, olive oil and all flour but reserve a
handful of bread flour. Knead until dough forms a smooth
and elastic ball, about 8 minutes.
3. Place the dough on working table and knead in as much of
the reserved flour by hand to prevent sticky. Place the
dough in a lightly oiled bowl for about 1hour 30minutes.
4. Punch down the dough and divide into 8 equal pieces
(115gms) and shape it round ball. Cover and set aside for
30 minutes.
5. Pre-heat the oven for 246 C. Flatten and roll out each ball
of dough to a 7-inch disk. (No wrinkles) and allow for puff
6. By baking directly onto the hearth of the oven for about 4
minutes or until light golden brown on the bottom.
7. The bread should puff up halfway through baking. Place on
a wire racks to cool.

Monday 16 January 2017

 Chicken Pizza with smoked pork  😍

Flour - 285gms
Olive Oil - 30ml
Sugar - 5gms
Yeast - 15gms
Water - 180ml
Salt - 5gm
Honey - 15ml
1. Mix water and yeast together.
2. Mix in the sugar, olive oil, salt and honey.
3. Add yeast mixture in the flour and start make kneading it until
dough become smooth, elastic consistency, about 10 minutes.
4. Allow the dough in a greased bowl and cover on top until slightly
less than double in volume.
5. Place the dough for 2 hour in fridge.
6. Divide the dough according to the Pizza size and stretch it into
round shape and allow 10 to 15 minutes proofing.
7. Bake at 230°C for about 3 - 4 minutes.
8. Allow to cool and fill it with pizza sauce and topping and then bake it. Cut and serve hot. 

Tuesday 10 January 2017


Food is made up of nutrients. Micro nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are needed only in small amounts. Macro nutrients such as carbohydrates, protein and fat are needed in larger amounts. The body cannot function properly if one or more nutrients are missing.


A person having an enthusiastic interest in the   preparation and consumption of good food