Monday 23 January 2017


Pita bread


Bread Flour - 200gms
Yeast - 8gms
Sugar - 8gms
Warm water - 180ml
Warm water - 180ml
Salt - 10gms
Olive Oil - 40ml
Bread Flour - 285gms

1. Make sponge with all ingredients and allow 30 minutes
2. To make a dough, add the warm water to the sponge
together with salt, olive oil and all flour but reserve a
handful of bread flour. Knead until dough forms a smooth
and elastic ball, about 8 minutes.
3. Place the dough on working table and knead in as much of
the reserved flour by hand to prevent sticky. Place the
dough in a lightly oiled bowl for about 1hour 30minutes.
4. Punch down the dough and divide into 8 equal pieces
(115gms) and shape it round ball. Cover and set aside for
30 minutes.
5. Pre-heat the oven for 246 C. Flatten and roll out each ball
of dough to a 7-inch disk. (No wrinkles) and allow for puff
6. By baking directly onto the hearth of the oven for about 4
minutes or until light golden brown on the bottom.
7. The bread should puff up halfway through baking. Place on
a wire racks to cool.

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