Sunday 29 January 2017




Bread flour - 102gms
Caster sugar - 159gms
Salt - 1gms
Veg. Oil - 72ml
Eggs - 1½Nos
Ground Cinnamon - 3gms
Baking Soda - 1.2gms
Baking Powder - ½gms
Shredded Carrots - 182
Walnuts chopped - 28gms

1. Whip the eggs at high speed to a light and frothy
consistency. Reduce the mixer speed to medium and
gradually add the oil. Turn the mixer speed to low and mix
in the sugar and salt.
2. Sift together the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking
powder. Add to the egg mixture. Fold in the carrot and
walnut, evenly distributing them in the batter.
3. Divide the batter between the prepared pans.
4. Bake at 190°C for about 50 minutes or until fully cooked.

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